We hear a lot of photographers, including myself, talk about how important it is to capture your family with professional portraits. To take the time to have them done, and how you won’t regret it. We don’t say this to push our business. We don’t say this as a marketing strategy. We say this because […]

It is no lie that I LOVE light. I mean, I live and breath by the lighting of a session or wedding. If there is overcast, that’s totally fine, gives us more options on locations. But give me some flare, and I am in heaven.   That’s why timing is so important for natural light […]

Portraits should be fun. Any kind of portrait session should show you for who you are. Who you are right this moment. If you are a goofy family, then you should be goofing off.   Case in point. My sister’s family.   My brother-in-law is the least serious person I know. He makes jokes about […]

I recently put out there wondering what YOU guys wanted to know. My one and only comment (thanks guys! jk!) was about family sessions. I will be honest, I have wanted to post something about family sessions and things to expect and how to plan. So, this is perfect! Family session season is just around […]

R and P…plus the girls…

Print your photos! 

Baby A was welcomed with open arms…

Who doesn’t like new stuff??

It was hard to get started, and frankly I am surprised I am still here. 

M is a fellow Beachbody coach with me, and I adore her. She is fun and light-hearted and her family was a blast to work with.  We had perfect fall weather for their session in September. And did I mention the light? Oh, yeah it was perfect!  This barn is 100 years old and we […]




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Contact kyleen

Shields Valley Montana

Kyleen Olson is a  Shields Valley Montana Wedding and Portrait Photographer that specializes in capturing the imperfect moments of life. She loves helping her clients to find the authentic moments and spending her Sundays with her family.

knockout boudoir
Personal brand photography