In honor of mother’s day weekend, I thought I would blog about my personal life. I want to share more of my life with you, because I think it is important for you to get to know me. Photo Credit: Rockhill Photo Traverse City, MI 2017 I started my motherhood journey at the age of […]

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6        If you know me, you know my horse is very special to me. I have posted about him before. He has been […]

As you know, I have been traveling with my son the last couple of weeks. I visited my in-laws and my parent’s house. I did some relaxing at my Mom’s (didn’t do half the things I had planned on doing), and then the wildness began! I found my wedding dress, oh it’s nothing like I […]

Sorry for being late this week! I had every intention of posting last night…ah well! This week I thought I would tell you a little bit about me. I love music. No, seriously I love it. I have iHeart radio on my iPhone and it’s on constantly. When my son and I go to play […]




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Contact kyleen

Shields Valley Montana

Kyleen Olson is a  Shields Valley Montana Wedding and Portrait Photographer that specializes in capturing the imperfect moments of life. She loves helping her clients to find the authentic moments and spending her Sundays with her family.

knockout boudoir
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