A had such poise, she was a dream to work with…
A had such poise, she was a dream to work with…
Cold fall day for B’s photos…
Had a lot of fun with this Redwood Falls senior…
Beautiful fall light at a wonderful location for Mariah….
My first ever Child’s Portrait contest! So excited!
I got to watch this little man grow up in the last year. Every three months I would be able to capture the newest little thing he learned. Every time it took him a few minutes to warm up to me, but he always relaxed eventually. His on year shoot was no different. I loved […]
I love photography, I love meeting new people, I love capturing moments for others to cherish for the rest of their lives. However, this isn’t an easy profession to be in. I have learned from my mistakes through the last six years and like the saying goes, “if I knew then what I know now” […]
I don’t shoot a lot of newborns, not that I don’t want to! This gives me the opportunity to snuggle a little one and then send them home 🙂 No, really newborn photos are HARD. I mean, they take a lot of patience and time. I give props to those who shoot newborns on a […]
I am at a loss for words. I never, NEVER expected 2014 to be what it was. I am so grateful for each and every one of you who allowed me to capture moments for you last year. I don’t even know where to start to describe the year I had! My year started out […]
Shields Valley Montana
Kyleen Olson is a Shields Valley Montana Wedding and Portrait Photographer that specializes in capturing the imperfect moments of life. She loves helping her clients to find the authentic moments and spending her Sundays with her family.