Winter wonderland engagement…
Winter wonderland engagement…
J is beautiful, she was so much fun to work with!
R was such a treat to work with. Big spiders and all 😉
Taylor’s photos turned out amazing!!
This young lady was given such a wonderful opportunity. A wonderful local family have adopted her for the year to give her a chance to learn English in hopes of a bright future. They are truly wonderful people. A is so full of life. She smiled 85% of the time I was with her. Especially […]
S was another senior that I got to spend some extra time with. I tell you, having the senior seasons package is just awesome. Being able to capture in two seasons, and sometimes three, is so fun and gives the senior more options to choose from. S and I met up at Lake Shetek for […]
I don’t shoot newborns often. But when I do, I always enjoy it. I get my baby fix in and can hand them back 🙂 This family is one of my favorites. They are so fun and great to work with. Such a proud big brother. Daddy’s girl. So happy. ♥ She was a good […]
This year I offered “seasons” sessions to my seniors. I am so glad I did. This gave me an opportunity to get to know my seniors and it helped me make their photos even better. I met M through her sister. I am shooting her wedding next spring and I am so excited to be […]
Now that little A is here, I think it is time to share these beautiful images of her mom and dad. I know I talk a lot about light, but I love it. There is just some light you can’t reproduce in a studio. This night was one of those times. I mean, look at […]
I love shooting newborns because I can get my baby fever out of my system without having anymore of my own 🙂 I like to shoot babies within 10 days of birth. It helps for the sleepy moments. However, this little nugget wanted nothing to do with sleep. She was wide awake for it all. […]
Shields Valley Montana
Kyleen Olson is a Shields Valley Montana Wedding and Portrait Photographer that specializes in capturing the imperfect moments of life. She loves helping her clients to find the authentic moments and spending her Sundays with her family.