When I showed up one evening to take these photos, the girls were VERY excited! You can tell they are a close family and love to spend time together. It was an honor for me to capture these ladies.   Beautiful young lady!   She was too cute!   Lovely   There was a lot of laughter! […]

I was thrilled to take photos for this beautiful family. Little ~M~ is good friend with my Son and was heartbroken to learn we were moving. She is such a sweetie and I hope they continue to be friends across the miles!   We lucked out with the beautiful evening light, a slight breeze, and […]

 Oh how I love newborns! I forget that my little monster was that small, they grow entirely too quickly! I was so excited when A contacted me about doing her daughter’s first photos. She was so itty bitty! I was glad to find out that I still have the newborn touch and was able to […]

I really have no excuse for not posting these on time. I had an idea for week three, and well that didn’t happen. So, here are weeks four and five. This month I am going to be better. Seriously. I need to shoot more to stay out of my Winter funk. Week Four~ “On a […]

  I had the pleasure of photographing these two little cowboys on the last day of the year! I usually don’t shoot indoors, outdoors is my favorite, but as we know, it’s Winter 🙂 We met up at their Grandparent’s store and they had an amazing wall covered in brands. It was a perfect backdrop […]

Hmm, one word to describe 2012~ CRAZY! Personally, I had a fabulous year! We moved and I truly believe it is where we are suppose to be in our lives right now. On top of that we got married! So, to say this was a monumental year would be an understatement. I am not going […]

It’s that time of the month! 😉 Time for the monthly color blog challenge! A little recap~ a group of fellow photographers and I decided to challenge ourselves each month and post photos with a color theme 🙂 This month is gold/yellow and/or brown. I decided to use a couple from a family session I […]

I know what it’s like to only see your family once maybe twice a year. We live hours away from our families and rarely see them. When we do, it is so important to capture those moments. Seeing as this year we are staying home, I am offering YOU a special! You will have three […]

Have I mentioned I love meeting new people? This family was no exception! I got a “grand” tour from young ~S~ of the old barn, every inch of it 🙂 I loved his enthusiasm for his favorite exploring place. ~R~ claimed she wasn’t a cowgirl, I beg to differ! She stood tall in the saddle […]

  I adore this family. They are very close to my heart. My husband works for them, and even though we have only been here for nine months, they opened up their home for our wedding. That’s right, they let a bunch of people they didn’t know into their home and let us get married […]




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Contact kyleen

Shields Valley Montana

Kyleen Olson is a  Shields Valley Montana Wedding and Portrait Photographer that specializes in capturing the imperfect moments of life. She loves helping her clients to find the authentic moments and spending her Sundays with her family.

knockout boudoir
Personal brand photography