I am pretty sure I have covered this in the past. However, it is so important to understand. Your wedding day happens once. You can’t get that day back. This is why I live and breathe by a timeline at every wedding I shoot. Not only does your photographer need to know what photos are […]

I had been waiting with this blog post in hopes of having some models to use, unfortunately, that didn’t happen. I really wanted to post this so I went with what I have, snow and beautiful light 🙂 I partnered with Brides Maids Gifts and was able to sample one of their bridesmaids gifts. Now, […]

I love taking wedding photos. The days are crazy busy, but so much fun! I decided to share with you some “behind the scenes” photos from 2018 weddings. I adore that my second shooters take a quick moment to capture the craziness that is me 🙂   June 2018~ Thank you Brittany Maasch for always […]

Oh fall weddings, how I adore thee! This wedding weekend was something to remember. Earlier in the summer southern Minnesota had a huge flood. Then we kept getting more and more rain. The weekend of this wedding my kids and I planned on camping with two other families. As we enjoyed supper and outdoor movies, […]

I sometimes dread this post. This year, however, I am super excited. I am making some major changes that I have wanted to do for a long time. First of all, I am going to concentrate on high school senior portraits and weddings (along with engagement photos). These are my passion shoots, and they fill […]

This wedding season is one for the books! My couples were amazing, the weather cooperated each day, and my second shooters were on point! Thank you to Brittany Maasch, Rochelle Jarmer, and Nichy Johnson! I couldn’t have done any of this without you ladies. I depend a lot on you, and you come through every […]

With Christmas next week (say what?!), I want to give a little something this week with my blog post. My top five pieces of advice for brides. Wedding planning can be super stressful. There are so many things to think about, however, it also a lot of fun. 5. Take time to sit and envision […]

Oh this session. These two are super adorable. It was HOT that day. Late August in Minnesota can get warm, and humid, and this day was no exception. However, it didn’t stop these two from showing off their love. We started by the creek. I had never shot in this location before, and I was […]

When I met with Taryn about her wedding day, I got so excited. She was explaining all of the landscaping her dad was doing on their company property, all of the details she was making and putting together and it got me giddy. Then our walk through with the wedding designer, the fabulous Jenna Buyck […]

Yes, I slacked on posts last week. Again, things are still all over the place on our lives. I am grateful for a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and beautiful scenery to greet me every day. I know we will be in our house soon, I just need to keep going. This […]




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Contact kyleen

Shields Valley Montana

Kyleen Olson is a  Shields Valley Montana Wedding and Portrait Photographer that specializes in capturing the imperfect moments of life. She loves helping her clients to find the authentic moments and spending her Sundays with her family.

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