I love small towns. Seriously. Word travels so quickly and I get to meet so many great people! Including this family. We had to get their session squeezed in before their kids were headed back east, and I was happy to do so!  I love how this one turned out, shows each personality.  How cool […]

I love the lake. Any lake. Every house I lived in growing up was on a lake. So, as you can tell, I am partial to lakes.  This family was a blast. Twenty people, I admit was a little intimidating at first, but they were such a great group, that it hardly seemed like there […]

I don’t normally shoot newborns. I have a wonderful friend in Windom, MN who is AWESOME (Red Barn Photography). However, I won’t pass up an opportunity to work with new little bundles especially when they are a returning client.  ~M~ is so precious! You forget how tiny they are when your own grow so quickly. […]

I love living in an area where there are so many fellow photographers. That may sound funny to you, but to me it is a big support group. We talk to each other, we bounce ideas off of each other and refer clients to one another. It’s best to work together for success, I say! […]

 Oh how I love newborns! I forget that my little monster was that small, they grow entirely too quickly! I was so excited when A contacted me about doing her daughter’s first photos. She was so itty bitty! I was glad to find out that I still have the newborn touch and was able to […]

Have I mentioned I love meeting new people? This family was no exception! I got a “grand” tour from young ~S~ of the old barn, every inch of it 🙂 I loved his enthusiasm for his favorite exploring place. ~R~ claimed she wasn’t a cowgirl, I beg to differ! She stood tall in the saddle […]

We have been pretty busy this week. In between editing my latest wedding, I still have the day to day activities and to add to the fun, we had Vacation Bible School. I was really excited to have my son participate in VBS this year. I remember going as a young child, and looked forward to every […]

Sometimes things happen for a reason. I was contacted by ~J~ about doing a family session when I was going to be in Custer State Park, but timing wasn’t on our side for that day. We rescheduled for the end of the month. Man, did we luck out! I was told by a friend about Wilson […]

Last year I was contacted by the ~F~ family for a session here on the ranch. They were so much fun to work with and little ~E~ was such a little ham! I was so pleased to hear from them again this year. This time I made my way across the pass and headed into […]




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Contact kyleen

Shields Valley Montana

Kyleen Olson is a  Shields Valley Montana Wedding and Portrait Photographer that specializes in capturing the imperfect moments of life. She loves helping her clients to find the authentic moments and spending her Sundays with her family.

knockout boudoir
Personal brand photography