Growth is always a good thing…

I know I have talked about it before, but I really think it is important to look back on where we started.

When someone asks me about my business and how it started, I always say, “I did everything wrong.”

Oh boy did I.

When we moved to Colorado 11 years ago, I started taking photos with my point and shoot camera and fell in love with capturing moments.

That’s when I decided to buy a DSLR and become a photographer.

Yes, that is exactly what I thought I could do. Oh boy.

I purchased a Canon Rebel and some kit lenses. I was a photographer. I was going to make money doing this and be able to quit my full time job.

Little did I know, having a camera doesn’t make you a photographer.

My first wedding I ever photographed was in August of 2009. I did do somethings right.
I had a checklist.
I hired an assistant.
I consulted with my clients.

However, I had one camera and used my on-camera flash a few times.

On of my current wedding cake photos. Lighting is everything.

Family portraits. I thought  I was so good. I had a nice camera, why wouldn’t I be?












The left is my sister’s family circa 2010. Look how little those kiddos were. We had a lot of fun with this session and they were pleased with them. But…I think their photos from 2017 are a lot better.

Man, knowing positions and lighting is key.



The photo on the left is 2010, the right is 2018.

Editing style.

It took me so long to find my editing style I felt was “me.” I used to do all the edits, as you can see. What I found after time, is that nice clean edits are my jam. Focus on the subject and make them shine.

As the years went by and we traveled out of Colorado and around the country (it seemed like), I always looked back and wish I knew then what I know now.

My very first photo I ever took with my DSLR in 2008.

Taken last night. Now I am here, and now I know.

I could go on and on about my now and then photos. The point is, don’t be afraid of growth. Don’t be afraid to change things up. Learn, and then learn some more. I am still learning my craft and hope to always learn.

A HUGE thank you to those that took a chance on me when I first started. Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to keep going. I wouldn’t have taken a chance on myself and kept pushing.

Four states, ten years. I can’t wait to see what the next years will bring.



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Contact kyleen

Shields Valley Montana

Kyleen Olson is a  Shields Valley Montana Wedding and Portrait Photographer that specializes in capturing the imperfect moments of life. She loves helping her clients to find the authentic moments and spending her Sundays with her family.

knockout boudoir
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