~Welcome Baby C~ {Southern Minnesota Fresh 24 Photographer}

I realized as I was looking through my photos of the last year, that I never shared this beautiful birth story. 

I adore this family. I have been working with them for over a year and they are also dear friends. When K found out she was pregnant with her fourth I was so excited for her. The best part? Her boudoir session we had done for Valentine’s Day had a little something to do with it 😉 

I had her due date in  my planner for months, Oct. 19. It would have been perfect as my parents were in town that week and I would have been able to just drop everything and go, knowing someone was home to watch my own children. 

Things never go according to plan. 

On the 13th, I got a text from K telling me she was headed to the hospital because she was having contractions. Her text read:

“Hey. I am on my way to the hospital. Contractions on and off since 2. Not sure if this is for real or not. I will be in touch.” 

My  heart was racing! Was this it? Were we going to meet the newest baby L?? 

Two hours later I received another text:

“Hi. Contractions picked up upon arrival here.” Things were progressing, but both of us knew it was still a guessing game. Would he/she be in a hurry, or decide to chill now (as my son did when I was in labor). 

I went to bed that night not knowing if I was going to be headed up there or not. I had my boss at the school on speed dial to let him know I was going to be late if K had her baby. Then, at 4:48am…

“They just broke her water…” It was time to get ready to go. I had time to shower and get a coffee, then I hustled. 

This photo is my favorite. They had called K's parents who were with their other three children to tell them about their new sibling. They all screamed and hollered and tears were flowing, even from me. 

This photo is my favorite. They had called K’s parents who were with their other three children to tell them about their new sibling. They all screamed and hollered and tears were flowing, even from me. 

As I stood at the nurses station waiting for my cue, I heard it. The biggest cry, and the sounds of joy. The nurse told me, “That’s her, go by the door and see when they want you.” I was crying. 

I walked in and saw this beautiful bundle, and a bundle he was! See, they didn’t know if they were having a boy or a girl and I felt so honored to be one of the first people to know about Mr. C. 

I hung out for about 45 minutes and captured the first moments of his little life. Watching J and K with their new little was so beautiful and it ALMOST made me want another one…ALMOST 😉 

At least I know that I can snuggle this little man as much as I want! He has grown up so much since then and I am so lucky to capture his first year of life. Welcome, Mr. C, you are so loved. So loved indeed. 


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Shields Valley Montana

Kyleen Olson is a  Shields Valley Montana Wedding and Portrait Photographer that specializes in capturing the imperfect moments of life. She loves helping her clients to find the authentic moments and spending her Sundays with her family.

knockout boudoir
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